West Texas Pest Control makes it convenient to get both inspections at the same time. I am licensed in Texas by the Texas Real Estate Commission as a Professional Real Estate Inspector and also by the Texas Structural Pest Control Board with a Business license and Commercial Applicator license. This means your inspections will be sure to take place at the same time with only one payment. We eliminate the hassle of trying to get two inspectors at the same place at the same time.

The WDI report is not a 100% guarantee that termites or other insects do not exist. This is a visual inspection for the signs of them and the walls are not tore into to see for sure. However, the majority of the time there will be some exterior signs of their presence to the trained observer. The report will also let you know of conducive conditions that make it favorable for their activity. Sometimes these conditions are noted as needing corrected (if severe enough) or they are just brought to your attention, so that you may wish to remove the "temptation".

A lot of clients do not know that carpenter ants do as much damage as termites. They think that it's just an ant, no big deal. However the damage caused by carpenter ants is almost identical to termites. The main difference is that termites eat the wood, where ants only excavate it to make their nest. The tunnels of termites are rough and have mud and feces, where ants are smooth and clean. Both are weakening the structure.

If an infestation is found during the inspection, West Texas Pest Control can also do the treatment*. This provides minimum delays in the closing of the home, as the treatment can be scheduled right away. We use Termidor® which is 100% effective in controlling 100% of the termites in three months or less. It may cost a little more but it is well worth the money spent.

*Termite treatment pricing not included on this website.


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*Termite inspection done by West Texas Pest Control